Now that we’re able to offer treatments on the face at our beauty salon in Basingstoke, our therapists and clients have plenty to smile about. However, the need to wear face coverings sadly shades our happy grins from view. Luckily, we can still express our sunny disposition through our eyes! The eyes have always been one of the most important non-verbal ways us humans communicate, no more so than now when our noses and mouths are often covered up. So check out our eye treatments including eyelash curl and tint and eyebrow shape and tint.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the lashes and brows are the curtains. How are yours looking behind the mask?

Lift your lashes, lift your spirits
Let’s face it, 2020 has had its fair share of lows. Getting a lash lift will help you look – and hopefully feel – more revived.
It’s basically like a perm for your eyelashes; setting the shape of your natural lashes using a safe chemical solution. By creating an upward arc and a natural-looking realistic curl, it opens up your eyes to freshen your whole face.
Lash lifting takes about an hour to do and works with every lash type, but we do advise a patch text at least 72 hours prior to the treatment to check for allergies. Aftercare is easy – just avoid water, steam, humidity, and wearing eye makeup for 24 hours post-treatment to make that beautiful curl last.
What you’ll love about it…
- Naturally pretty eyes 24/7
- No need to curl your lashes for up to 10 weeks
- Low maintenance – just get on with enjoying life
Add a hint of tint?
You can wear mascara over the top of a lash lift if you like, but lots of our clients opt for a lash tint at the same time as a lift because it gives them a more high-impact look overall.
Most of us wear mascara on a regular basis because we like the depth and darkness it adds to our eyes, making them stand out. But putting it on and taking it off before bed can be a bore, not to mention those panda-eye smudges when things get busy, or emotional.
With a tint, our highly-skilled beauty therapists can add the illusion of more intensity, thickness and length to your eyelashes – for the long haul. This treatment takes about 30 minutes and it lasts for around 4-6 weeks.
What you’ll love about it…
- A wide-awake look from the moment the alarm goes off until the lights go out
- Save time on your make up routine
- Swim-proof, beach-proof, gym-proof, rain-proof, tear-proof
Now for the brows…
Oh, how we have missed doing your brows! So much so that we’re offering you a complimentary eyebrow shape when you visit us for a lash lift and tint during September 2020.
Stragglers and strays, be gone! Groomed eyebrows can really change the shape of your face, so we’ll gently tidy up your eyebrows to perfectly offset your new gorgeously lifted and tinted lashes.
To find out more and book your lash lift and tint with complimentary eyebrow shape at The Beauty Spot in Basingstoke this September, visit , call us on 01256 460 076 or email
Please remember to book a patch test first.
Read the new salon procedures that we have put in place for your safety.