A sports massage is a specialised form of massage therapy that focuses on aiding in the recovery of sports injuries, preventing further injuries and enhancing your performance.

It involves applying targeted pressure to areas of concern, along with stretching and manipulating the soft tissue of specific affected muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A sports massage is tailored to your individual needs and is designed to expedite the recovery process, alleviate muscle tension, improve flexibility, promote blood circulation, and reduce the risk of muscle strains or further injury recurrence. It is also provide effective pain relief to arthritis suffers.

what does a sports massage do

What is the difference between muscle soreness and soft tissue injuries?

Muscle soreness and muscle injuries in sports can easily be confused. Sometimes the feeling of soreness and stiffness can be due to a soft tissue injury (muscles, tendons and ligaments), perhaps caused by a sudden jerk or twist, an impact injury to the body, overuse injuries from repetition of the same motion over prolonged periods of time, and many other examples. It is important to be aware of the difference in muscle soreness caused by hard work and a soft tissue injury.

Why do we get muscle soreness?

A typical side effect of physical exercise is temporary muscle soreness and reduced range of movement, this is usually nothing to worry about and will ease within 2-5 days after taking part in exercise. Aches and soreness can often come in the days after trying a new form of exercise, as well as when you have progressed the intensity of an exercise.

Identifying muscle soreness is crucial for individuals who engage in physical activities or exercise regularly. Muscle soreness occurs as a result of the body’s response to the small tears and strains caused by putting muscles under tension.  This ‘trauma’ triggers the body’s repair mechanisms to heal and strengthen the muscle fibres.

What are the symptoms of muscle soreness?

When experiencing muscle soreness, individuals may feel discomfort, stiffness, and tenderness in the affected areas. It’s important to recognise that this soreness is a natural response to exercise and indicates that the muscles are adapting and becoming stronger. By understanding this process, individuals can better manage their training, incorporate appropriate recovery strategies, and gradually increase their exercise intensity to promote muscle growth and overall fitness.

what is a sports injury

What is a sports injury?

Sports injuries can be caused by a range of factors including overexertion, repetitive movements, improper technique, inadequate warm-up, lack of stretching and sudden impacts, as well as accidents.

A sports injury usually refers to damage to the body as a result of sports or physical activities and can range from minor sprains and strains to more severe fractures or dislocations.

Common types of muscle injuries include:

  • Ankle sprains
  • Muscle strains / pulled muscles
  • Knee injuries
  • Achilles tendon ruptures or tears
  • Shoulder dislocations
  • Shoulder impingements
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Stress fractures
  • Back muscle strains and sprains

types of muscle injuries

When to seek treatment for sports injuries

Sports injuries are sadly an inevitable part of life – no matter how careful you may be, there will be times when you sustain a muscle injury or pain from exercise. But knowing when to seek treatment, such as a sports massage, can often be difficult.

Prompt diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and proper rehabilitation are essential for managing sports injuries and facilitating recovery, enabling you to return to your exercise safely. Left untreated the soft tissue injuries can lead to further implications to your range of movement, posture and function of the joint or body part.

If you are unsure of whether or not you have an injury, it is best to seek a professional opinion from a qualified sports therapist, or other similar professional, in order to identify what is causing your pain and get the proper advice on treatment.

So, don’t ignore the aches and pains that many of us too often ‘put up with’. Get it checked out, because it might hold you back from progression in your workouts, or keep you awake at night. Most sports injuries are easily fixable with specific modalities that a therapist can implement through a course of sports massages and a treatment plan.

If you’re suffering from a sports injury and are looking for a qualified sports massage therapist in Basingstoke, then contact Charlotte at The Beauty Spot. Charlotte is a professional sports masseur with a BSc Hons Degree in Sports Injury & Treatment. Click here for costs and to find out more.